
5月11日, 2024


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜举行了第70届年度毕业典礼,分为三个仪式, organized by program of study, 周六在特洛伊的麦克多诺体育中心的校园里, 5月11日, 2024, honoring more than 1,500 graduates. 举行了三个仪式,包括所有的学位和证书课程 School of STEM, School of Health Sciences,和 School of Business and Liberal Arts.

During the school-based ceremonies, 毕业生们在舞台上获得了个人认可,并听取了罗杰·拉姆萨米校长的鼓舞人心的讲话, 来自伦斯勒县和哈德逊河谷董事会的代表, 学生 Senate president and their academic dean. Thousands of family and friends attended in person, 这三场典礼都在学院网站上进行了直播: t0gs.madeintlh.com/commencement.

The Class of 2024 includes 1,515名学生获得了STEM学院80多个项目领域的副学士学位和证书, Health Sciences and Business and Liberal Arts. 其中, 440 graduated with academic honors, 其中150人是Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会的成员. 2024届毕业生还包括47名退伍军人或现役军人.

The Class of 2024 ranges in age from 16 to 71, 其中包括15名毕业于双招生高中项目的学生, 包括QUESTAR III和HVCC STEM高中的第一位毕业生. Graduates come from 38 countries around the globe, 尽管哈德逊山谷的2024届毕业生中有85%以上居住在首都地区.

Some graduate highlights include:

Omar Cunningham
工商管理专业的毕业生奥马尔·坎宁安把下棋看作是他人生的一个隐喻——制定一个计划, make the right moves and good things will happen. 他从小就是篮球的神童(他的专家级水平让他在全国各地参加比赛), 在他年轻的时候,奥马尔用这种策略克服了毒瘾和无家可归的问题, 在一些伟大的导师和他在哈德逊山谷发现的社区的帮助下,他现在正在茁壮成长. Omar will receive the Willie A. Hammett 学生 Services Award and the Norman R. McConney, Jr. 优秀学生奖,颁发给教育机会计划中的优等生. 作为2023年秋季的毕业生,他将在奥尔巴尼大学继续他的教育.

Brianna Burris
她是三个孩子的母亲,也是2024年度最佳学生呼吸护理班的获得者, Brianna Burris has become an expert in juggling work, family and school. 她每天起得早,结束得晚,但她说,努力工作得到了回报. 作为一名执业护士(LPN)工作了六年之后, 2022年,布里安娜决定进入呼吸护理领域. 她被哈德逊谷大学(Hudson Valley)的两年制副学士学位课程录取,于2022年秋季入学, 但在她的第一学期即将到来之前不久,女儿的出生威胁着她的计划. 它没有. With hard work and the help of her family, 布里安娜在严格的呼吸护理项目中表现出色,并以优异的成绩毕业.

Mohamed Khalafalla
很少有哈德逊山谷社区学院的毕业生面临过类似穆罕默德·哈拉法拉的挑战, who was born in a small village in Sudan and, 因为他的父亲获得了在美国工作的绿卡, emigrated here when he was a teenager. 穆罕默德刚开始在哈德逊山谷学习建筑技术时几乎不会说英语,但两年后, he is graduating at the top of his class, 并将于秋季进入伦斯勒理工学院的建筑专业.

Jordyn Goldhaber
When she graduated from high school in 2017, Jordyn Goldhaber set some goals for herself, all revolving around a career teaching in the classroom. 她在高等教育中有过几次失败的开始,但当她在2022年到达哈德逊山谷时, she knew she had found the right fit. Jordan took advantage of the 职业生涯Next program, which offers personalized academic, 为有自闭症和学习差异的学生提供组织和计划支持. 她在学生教学实习中表现出色,并将以接近4分的成绩从幼儿项目毕业.0的绩点. Jordyn is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, international honor society for two-year colleges, as well as Kappa Delta Pi, education major honorary society. During her time at the college, she served as co-president of the Early Childhood Club, 今年还获得了她所在部门颁发的教育领袖奖.

Coleen Carter
When Coleen Carter became a wife and mother, she prioritized taking care of others, 特别是在她担任圣. Anne Institute in Albany. After running away from home at 16, 科琳没有获得高中文凭,当她决定继续作为成人学习者接受教育时, she knew Hudson Valley was the right place to do so. 获得高中同等学历和人类服务副学士学位, 科琳正在攻读学士学位,以实现她成为一名治疗师的梦想.

Taison Adams
Taison Adams是一名汽车车身技术服务-汽车车身维修专业的学生,他渴望今年5月毕业. As a single dad facing financial challenges, he discovered the Project Higher Program, 这让他来到了首都地区教育机会中心. After graduating there in 2022 from the Welding program, 他决定在HVCC继续他的教育,并在汽车领域追求他的终身兴趣. Taison在短时间内取得了很大的进步,他说他的未来比以往任何时候都更有希望.

Leah Carvajal
Leah Carvajal是一名汽车技术服务专业的学生. 虽然她不确定自己想要走什么样的职业道路, 她开始搜索许多项目和学校,并在HVCC遇到了汽车项目. Leah says she felt interested in the program right away, 她意识到,在汽车上工作是她可以想象自己在做的事情. She is a tremendous role model for many other students, 尤其是想要进入非传统职业的年轻女性, 最近,她还成为首位获得ATS顶级扳手“年度学生”奖的女性.

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Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 330